Some investors are looking for apple to announce a low-end iPhone that Apple could sell to carriers for less than$ 300 vs. the current carrier cost of over$ 600. 部分投资者一直期待苹果发布低端iPhone,以低于300美元的价格卖给运营商,而目前运营商此项成本超过600美元。
Further analysis shows that it is caused by the enhancement of the threshold current density and threshold carrier density in terms of optical-gain spe. 进一步分析认为,这是因为条宽变窄导致器件阈值电流密度、阈值载流子密度变大造成的。
Up until now, what changes or ideas have played with to increase their effectiveness in small numbers with or without other ships for support, and what is the current status on the Carrier? 那么现在有没什么想法或者变动来提升航母在落单的情况下的作用,无论有没其他飞船的支援的情况下。
You have a contract with your current carrier. 您和现有本地电话公司有合约。
The circular current between the carrier phase shifting parallel converters are analyzed, and a new method to suppress low order harmonic circular current is proposed. 重点针对载波移相并联单元间存在的环流问题进行了分析,提出了一种低频环流抑制方案。
The wear resistance of the composites is greatly superior to that of the Cr-brass alloy in case of current carrier. 载流条件下,该复合材料的抗摩擦磨损性能显著优于铬青铜合金;
The first and second kind of complete elliptic integrals and their correlations are used, to analyze the distribution of magnetic field of current carrier round coil in space any point in cylindrical coordinate system, and its special case is discussed in this paper. 利用第一类、第二类完全椭圆积分及其相互关系,在柱坐标系中较详细地分析了载流圆线圈在空间任一点的磁场分布,对其特例进行了讨论。
Owing to the properties of the semiconductor are depended on the electronic states and the current carrier distribution at valence band top and conduction band bottom, therefore the band-gap values and the symmetry of the band extremes are the most attention problems in materials design. 由于半导体的诸多性质取决于价带顶和导带底的电子态及其中的载流子分布,因此带隙的大小和能带极值的对称性便成为半导体材料设计最受关注的问题。
Based on the analysis of current bulk cement carrier s, terminals and their future development trend, this paper introduces the features and key techniques of ship form of a new-type bulk cement carrier. 通过分析当前散装水泥船、码头装卸设施及未来发展趋势,介绍了一种新型散装水泥船的特点和船型关键技术。
These inferences can be firmly supported by thermally stimulated current and charge carrier transport measurements. 这些推论可由热激及载流子输运测量证实。
The calculated results show that the mesa size of the top mirror strongly influences the voltage distribution inside the VCSELs and the radial distribution of the injected current density, carrier density, and voltage drop in the active layer. 结果表明,台面尺寸对垂直腔面发射激光器内部的电势分布和有源层中的注入电流密度、载流子浓度及结压降分布有重要影响。
Under a certain applied voltage, the injected current density, carrier density and voltage drop in the center of the active layer decreases greatly with decreasing mesa size, respectively, and the property of the VCSELs will deteriorate. 在一定的外加电压下,随着台面尺寸减小,有源层中心处的注入电流密度、载流子浓度和结压降急剧减小,垂直腔面发射激光器性能恶化。
Results show that Ca~ ( 2+) in the suspension is either absorbed onto the glass particles to change the charge properties, or retained in the suspension as primary current carrier in the electrophoretic deposition process. 实验结果证实:悬浮液中Ca2+或吸附到玻璃颗粒上,改变其荷电性质;或留在溶液中,作为电泳沉积过程中电流的主要承载者。
The distribution of magnetic field of current carrier round coil in space any point 载流圆线圈在空间任一点的磁场分布
People correlate it with chemistry ( especially electrochemistry) more, but the physical problems related to it need further research, Such as the conduction of current carrier 、 embeded physics and transformation. 人们更多地把它与化学(特别是电化学)相联系,而对锂离子电池所涉及的物理问题,诸如载流子传导、嵌入物理和相变等的认识还不够深入或是刚刚起步。
The influences of the injection current and carrier lifetime of semiconductor optical amplifier ( SOA) on the switching window of ultrafast nonlinear interferometer ( UNI) were studied by proceeding simulation and experiment. 对影响超快非线性干涉仪(UNI)开关窗口的半导体光放大器(SOA)的注入电流及载流子寿命进行了数值模拟实验研究。
Current-carrier friction is a phenomenon of wear abrasion occurs to friction pairs in the electric field when there is current going through. 载流摩擦磨损是指处于电场中的摩擦副,在有电流通过条件下的摩擦磨损行为。
Boron-doped diamond has outstanding semiconductive characteristics, such as wide band gap, high puncturing field intensity, high mobility of current carrier, low dielectric constant and good heat conductivity. 含硼金刚石具有禁带宽、击穿场强高、载流子迁移率高、介电常数低和导热性能好等优异的半导体性能。
The Present Research Status as well as Prospective of Current-Carrier Friction Abrasion 载流摩擦磨损研究现状及前景
And the electric conductivity of the material is improved by high temperature processing in N2, with the increasing number of current carrier led in by defective energy level. N2气氛下高温处理,由于缺陷能级引入载流子数目增加,而提高了材料电导率水平。
Influences of Injection Current and Carrier Lifetime of SOA on Switching Window of UNI SOA注入电流及载流子寿命对UNI开关窗口的影响
Studies on the Expansion-fracture Mechanism of Current Carrier of the Explosive High-voltage Short-circuit Protector 爆炸式高压短路保护器载流体的膨胀断裂机理研究
The voltage dependent calcium channels is one of main paths to controlling Ca2+ influx and T-type Ca2+ channel is the main Ca2+ current carrier in mouse spermatocyte and sperm. 电压依赖性钙通道(voltagedependentCalCiumChannel,VDCC)是控制Ca~(2+)跨膜内流的主要途径之一,现已清楚精母细胞及精子上主要存在T型Ca~(2+)通道。
This technology provides an efficiency, reasonable, and reliable method for the retrofitting design of the current type organic heat carrier boilers, as well as research and development. 使用该技术,无论是对于现有炉型的改进设计,还是新型炉型的研发,它提供了一种更为高效、合理与可靠的方法。
Navigation is a highly comprehensive technology. It determined by measuring the movement and the current carrier and the position of navigation parameters to guide movement along established routes carrier accurate and safe navigation. 导航是一门综合性很强的技术,它通过测量并确定运动载体当前所处的位置及其航行参数,引导运动载体沿既定航线准确、安全地航行。
Metals using for automobile industry as carrier material is more than half a century. But current metal carrier material has many limitations such as poor performance in anti high temperature oxidation, complexity of the molding technics, high cost and so on. 金属载体材料应用汽车工业已经有半个世纪了,但是现有的金属载体材料有抗高温氧化性差、成形工艺复杂、成本高等问题。
By stimulating more free carriers in the active layers, the light had significant influences on the devices. The drain current and carrier mobility were increased, the threshold was decreased. 通过激发活性层中更多的自由载流子,光场显著地增加了器件中的电流,减小了门槛电压并且增大了载流子的迁移率。
The current vehicle exhaust purifiers carrier and diesel particulate filter ( DPF) substrate materials are mainly made from cordierite and metal materials. 汽车尾气净化器载体和微粒捕集器过滤体(DPF)材料主要为堇青石和金属。